At the upcoming Embedded World Conference, one of the most important exhibition and conference on industrial development on embedded systems, there are going to be two presentations on hypervisor technologies that we are
contributing to: the cache colouring support for Xen hypervisor, and the Bao hypervisor. Kudos to Luca Miccio, Andrea Tagliavini, Angelo Ruocco, Marco Solieri and our collaborators at Xilinx and Univ. Minho.
Do you want to know more? Don’t miss these two talks:
-“Xen on Arm: Real-Time Virtualization with Cache Coloring” by Prof. Dr. Giulio Corradi, Xilinx
-“Bao: A Modern Lightweight Embedded Hypervisor” by Jose Martins, Universidade do Minho
The full program:
#EmbeddedWorld #EWC2020 #Virtualization #Hypervisor #Xen #Xilinx #Bao #CacheColouring #HypervisorTechnologies